Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My food passion expressed in words.

Phew! It was about time...

Being a journalist by graduation and an affectionate reader and writer, I've missed writing other kinds of texts other than my university essays. That, added to the fact that I am a devoted food lover, have made me decide to write a new blog.

For me, the most important things when cooking are patience and creativity. Be creative to use a recipe and turn it your way. Be patient on yourself when you make mistakes. Make notes on whatever worked really well for you. Be curious and experimental. Good products (and by good I do not mean expensive) and some of the basic kitchen equipment are also on our side when you surrender yourself to the amazing cooking journey.

I'd like this blog to be a place for learning and teaching, for criticism and compliments. And last but not least, a place for new experiences and friends.

I can definitely not say it will be the most interesting food blog you will ever see, but I can assure you this will be a place for recipe and flavor exchanges, for victories and failures, for sharing, caring, tasting and, mostly, for daring.



  1. Pipoquinhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, gratulerer...
    Ficou lindo, muito lindo!

  2. Posso começar a pedir receitas? :)

  3. Claro, claro.. :-) Mandem pedidos e receitas. Provavelmente as fotos sairão quando eu puder ficar em pé na cozinha normalmente..

  4. looking forward to a new entry and hope I can contribute somehow!!!! im dreaming of our Bouff-boginjon (have no idea how it is spelled). Ksenia

  5. Maneirissimo Camila! Parabens! Quero experimentar tudo...pelo pao de queijo, ja vi que vc tem talento pro babado...hehehe...Sucesso!

  6. Amei isso aqui! Cheers!

  7. Testing,testing, 123....

  8. Essa foto é daquela noite de queijos & vinhos??
    Lembra, camy? da taça de vinho quebrada...
    Ain, amiga! adorei a idéia do blog!

