These are my cookbooks so far. I actually thought I had too many of them by now. But after counting and gathering them all for a picture, I noticed that it will be just fine if I decide to buy a few more. (Nothing like a great excuse for new acquisitions, huh?)
Here's the list:
Susannah Blake - 500 tapas (snacks, fingermat og andre småretter)
Wendy Sweeter - 500 drinker
Juice & Smoothie - 200 drikker for helse og overskudd
Sjokolade - En samling med mer enn 100 grunnleggende oppskrifter
Desserter - En samling med mer enn 100 grunnleggende oppskrifter
Wok - En samling med mer enn 100 grunnleggende oppskrifter
Julia Child - Mastering the art of French cooking (Volumes 1 & 2)
Tapas: En kulinarisk oppdagelsesreise
Kokebok for jenter: Kul mat for kule jenter!
Jamie Oliver - Hjemme hos Jamie: Det gode liv går kjøkkenveien
Caroline Brewester - Memórias Gastronômicas
Peter Gordon - Salater: Fingermat - Hovedrett - Dessert
Tom Victor Gausdal & Ole Martin Alfsen - Mat og Drikke
Culinaria Italia - Italienske Spesialiteter
Besides these books, I also have:
- some amazing food magazines like Maison Mat & Vin;
- many other articles that I have cut and collected here and there with great recipes. Some of them already properly organized in a nice folder, others still to be cut.
- Last but not least, 3 very nice collections (notebooks and folders with recipes and labels) that used to be my mum's from when she started collecting recipes.
I don't have much room in the house to buy many more books at the moment, but as soon as I give in (pretty soon, I suppose) and buy a few more new treats, I will make sure to keep you all updated.